Wednesday, 29 September 2010

BP Oil Spill Final Editorial Pieces

I wanted to create illustrations to accompany The Guardian's brilliant articles on the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill which they seem to publish daily. I want others to read them, so they see just what BP have done, but I don't think the photographs The Guardian use are doing the job of creating intrigue and drawing readers in. I think illustrations would be much more effective.

CD Cover Project

The final cover for my 'mixtape' project. 'Sleeps to pop music' is for the back of the booklet insert for the CD. It is a quote from my baby book. 

Wednesday, 8 September 2010


An idea for the 'mixtape' project. I took an image from my previous blog post, drew it, then used photoshop to adjust the colour numerous times and then put the image back together in a collage style. White ink and bleach was further added to disguise and distort certain areas.