Paul Hickey/ For lesson 23/11/2010
How many prints did you make this week?
I made quite a few. The image above is of a lino cut (the town image) and an etching (wolves) which I have put together in Photoshop. my aim was to complete this image, so I made lots of alternatives.
How many of these taught you something new?
The only new thing I learnt was that if I printed my lino print and then moved it slightly and printed again and so on, it gradually fades out and gives the image more depth.
How many hours did you spend in the Print making workshop?
I was in there all day.
Competence in the practical printmaking technique 70-79 - I now think I am very confident in my techniques, and I'm creating successful pieces much quicker.
Thoughtful and imaginative use of printmaking 60-69 - Recently I have been really considering composition, which I'm trying to keep up and Photoshop is making this much easier.
Visual sensibility; understanding and expressing ideas 60-69 - During printing I am trying to express ideas in ways I have been using in previous weeks, but it is Photoshop which is making the difference.
Using research to expand knowledge, enrich thinking and affect your work 0 - I haven't done any research this week. Now I am coming to the last few weeks of the project I just really need to concentrate on creating prints for the final images.